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Marketing materials to advertise NTU validated courses

Find out the process for how we approve marketing materials produced by partners to advertise NTU validated courses.

Understanding the approval process

Students outside Byron building

Nottingham Trent University grants a non-exclusive licence for partners to use the University's trademarks solely in relation to marketing documentation and programme materials, provided that approval has been given in writing beforehand.

The process for gaining approval of marketing and publicity material is as follows:

  1. Complete Section A of the marketing approval form and send it to us along with draft copies of the materials.
  2. CADQ will carry out visual / editorial checks, complete Section B of the form, indicating any amends required and return it to you.
  3. Amendments should be made and updated materials returned again to CADQ.
  4. When material is approved, the form will be signed and dated by a member of the team. A copy of the approved material will be kept on file.

Please note, the turnaround time for approval of marketing materials is usually around one week.

We also carry out the following monthly checks of partner’s websites to ensure accuracy:

  • Use of our logo - approved corporate colours, position and background.
  • Details of the validated programme, i.e. title, mode of study.
  • Reference to the relationship with NTU.
  • Use of 'subject to validation' if necessary.

If any amends are required, you will be contacted and requested to make changes. Changes should be made within one month of notification.

Get in touch

For more information and support about marketing materials, please contact CADQ Collaborations and Partnerships by phone on +44 (0)115 848 2100, or email at