
Your opinion matters, and there are many ways to feed back to NTU and NTSU about your life here as a student.


We welcome all your feedback about your experiences as a student at NTU. We're here to listen and we will respond.

You can call or email us using the details below:

Telephone number: +44 (0)115 848 2999


You can also email if there is anything else you would like to see covered in more detail on StudentHub.


Nottingham Trent Students' Union has a number of systems in place that allow the Union to put student feedback into action. They are:

Course reps

Course reps take feedback from their course peers to course committees, where course leaders, managers and reps meet to discuss them. Relevant feedback is then actioned. Find out more.

School reps

School reps attend the Student Academic Standards Quality Committee (SASQC) along with the School Dean, Deputy Dean, Head of Department, Standards and Quality Manager and admin staff to discuss the whole school and the courses in that school. Again, any relevant feedback is actioned. Find out more.

Big Ideas

Students' Big Ideas for changes at NTSU, if accepted, are submitted to Student Council for discussion. Council can accept or reject the idea, or send them on to Union Meeting for wider discussion. If an idea passes and it’s something we can implement, it will be raised at a Trustee Board meeting for approval. Find out more.

Equality and diversity forums

Elected officers collate student feedback in whatever way works best for them. Liaison officers and E&D officers then all attend Student Council to discuss it, and Liaisons also have the opportunity to feedback at Trustee Board. Find out more.

Sport Council

At Sport Council, students get the opportunity to give feedback through "rant and rave cards". NTSU’s VP Sport then works alongside NTU Sport to put any improvements into action. Find out more.

Ents Reps

Ents reps work alongside entertainments staff and the Vice President Services to diversify and expand NTSU’s entertainments programme. They actively gather feedback from students and hold regular meetings to discuss it with the intention of implementing student-led changes. Find out more.

  • Last updated: 01/02/2023