Break in study: Step-by-step guidance for students

Step-by-step guidance for students considering taking a break in study.

Before taking a break:

  1. If you’re thinking about taking a break from your studies, read the guidance available on the Student Hub or contact your School Administration Team to be signposted to this information.
  2. Consider the implication on your finances, accommodation, immigration status etc. and Get Advice / Support using the contact information in each of the sections relevant to your situation.
  3. Arrange a meeting with your Course Leader to discuss your situation and academic implications.
  4. Complete the Break in Study MS Form with supporting evidence. This will automatically go to your School Administration Team when submitted.
  5. Your Break in Study request is received for consideration within your Academic School.
  6. You will receive a written decision within 15 working days of submitting your request. This will be sent electronically to your NTU student email.
  7. Complete an Exit Checklist with your Course Leader or School Administration Team. You can also use this opportunity to ask any questions.

Break in study begins:

  1. You will retain access to University buildings and your NTU email. You will not have access to any new modules in the NOW learning rooms.
  2. You will receive Keeping in Touch emails from your School Administration Team.

Prepare to return:

  1. You will receive a re-enrolment email before you are due to return to your studies.
  2. Read the guidance on ‘Returning to your course after a break in study’, available on the Student Hub.

Return from your break:

  1. Inform your School Administration Team that you have returned to your study.
  2. Request a Return to Study catch up with your Course Leader, Personal Tutor, or Academic Mentor
  3. Get to know your new peers using available opportunities.
  • Last updated: 27/09/2023