ADHD support

Learn more about the support available for students who have ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

Advice sessions

If you have evidence of an ADHD diagnosis, or are on a waiting list for a diagnosis, please book an advice session with us to find out what support is available.

We offer advice sessions throughout term-time and our services include:

  • information on applying for Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs)
  • access statements and exam arrangements
  • accessibility
  • information on the support available.
Book an ADHD advice session here

Access statements and exam arrangements

Your access statement details any reasonable adjustment that we have recommended for you to support your studies. It will be shared with your academic school and the exams team at NTU.

The ADHD team can set up an access statement for you in an advice session if you have evidence of your diagnosis or a referral for a diagnosis. Please book an advice session to set up your access statement and email your evidence of a diagnosis to us.

If you don't have, or can't find, evidence of your diagnosis, you can use this Disability Evidence Form to take to the doctors for them to complete.

Please be aware that if we have not received your medical evidence by the end of January, your arrangements may not be put in place for the end of year exams.

DSA funded ADHD mentoring and study skills

As a student with ADHD, you may be eligible for a Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA). DSAs are intended to cover any extra costs that arise because of your disability while studying, as well as recommending any non-medical helper support you might need.

If you think you might need in-person or technology support, you must apply for DSA if you are eligible, otherwise you will not have access to this support. You will need evidence of a diagnosis to apply for this.

If you have DSA funded support with NTU as your mentoring or study skills provider, we can offer specialist mentoring support to remove barriers to study.

Specialist DSA Funded support at NTU is provided through a mix of internal support and external agency support. Some students will have NTU as a provider and some will have external agency support.

What evidence do I need?

DSA will accept evidence of a diagnosis or evidence of a referral for a diagnosis.  If you don't have, or can't find, evidence of your diagnosis, you can use this Disability Evidence Form to take to the doctors for them to complete.

Getting a Diagnosis

As ADHD is a medical condition, we are unable to diagnose ADHD or refer students for a diagnosis. Speaking to your GP is the first step to getting that diagnosis in place, which can be difficult, so we have some tips below on how to prepare yourself and initiate that conversation:

First steps for seeking a diagnosis

  • Book an appointment with your GP to start the process.
  • Give yourself enough time to prepare, ask for a double appointment if you are nervous about the time constraints.
  • GPs may ask about symptoms in childhood and adulthood, so it is a good idea to prepare beforehand.
  • The Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale is the most used pre-screening tool - it can be helpful to complete one together with someone who knows you well and then take it to your GP appointment.
  • A diagnosis of ADHD requires significant impairment in multiple areas of your life.
  • There also needs to be evidence of symptoms before the age of 12.
  • Think about how your symptoms affect your work, social, home and personal life.
  • Even if your GP does not ask about all this, it will be helpful for your consultation.
Visit our ADHD SharePoint site here for more information and support

For more information on seeking a diagnosis, take a look at the ADHD UK website.

How to find us

  • Last updated: 09/01/2024