Study abroad checklist

Find out more about the requirements you must meet and the documents you must provide for your study abroad experience.

Accommodation and checklist

You must arrange and apply for accommodation before you travel. You must submit your application within the specified time frame. This will help you secure your preferred accommodation.

Find out more about the various accommodation available to you abroad.


You may find the following checklist helpful.

  • Check Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) advice on safety of your destination country.
  • Check our own NTU advice on the safety of your destination country.
  • Think about safety and emergencies. Find out the procedure for emergencies in your host country.
  • Shop around for airline tickets. You can try services like Skyscanner.
  • Book your return ticket for insurance claim purposes.
  • Sort out your visa, immunisations, host accommodation, and health insurance.
  • Have medical and dental check-ups before you leave.
  • Make copies of your passport, flight information and itinerary. Leave these with your family and friends.
  • Plan the trip. Research the transfers you'll need to make to reach your accommodation.
  • Submit all the necessary paperwork for your funding and study abroad applications.

NTU Sustainability in Practice Global Mobility module

NTU is committed to enabling a sustainable culture and encouraging behaviour that reduces our overall impact on the environment.

The Sustainability in Practice (SiP) module is available on the NOW Learning Room. It introduces you to sustainability fundamentals, such as the climate and ecological emergency, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and systems thinking. If you want to travel abroad in a more sustainable way, we encourage you to take part.

What is the Sustainability in Practice Global Mobility module?

The Sustainability in Practice (SiP) module is a free and flexible online course available on the NOW Learning Room.

It explores sustainability issues from a personal and theoretical perspective. It focuses on three key areas:

  • Food
  • Energy
  • Clothing

The course aims to increase your employability and you'll get a digital certificate of achievement upon completion to show your literacy regarding sustainability.

It helps you study abroad in a more sustainable manner. Consider the following before you travel and during your stay:

  • Using sustainable methods of travel, such as avoiding flying where possible.
  • Going paperless as much as you can.
  • Using reusable items and try to avoid reliance on plastic.

While you're abroad

Once you arrive at your study destination, you must:

  • attend all induction sessions, and
  • complete all the necessary paperwork required.

While you're abroad, you'll still have access to NTU online resources and support. This includes Nottingham Online Workspace (NOW).

If you have any problems or concerns during your time away, email NTU Global.

Arrival and registration

Once you arrive at your destination, you must:

  • register with your host organisation, and
  • attend any induction orientation sessions.

You must also:

  • notify NTU that you arrived safely
  • check your NTU email regularly and respond accordingly
  • regularly check the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) website
    • look for COVID updates about your host country, and
    • follow any relevant guidance
  • register with a local doctor
  • register with local in-country embassy.

Online resources and support

While you're studying abroad, you have access to several online wellbeing resources. These can help you with both your physical and mental health.

You have access to both SilverCloud and Headspace, which are free.

You can also take out a new online membership of NTU Sport. You can get access to over 1,000 online workouts you can do in the comfort of your own home. Classes include Bodypump, Bodycombat, Bodybalance and more.

When you return

If you study abroad, you must provide us with feedback about your experience. This is a compulsory requirement of receiving funding through NTU Global.

You must:

  • submit a case study, a blog or diary, photos or videos, or social media posts
  • return to NTU all end-of-mobility paperwork.

Student Exchange Buddy

Once you've returned from studying abroad, you can become a Student Exchange Buddy. In this role, you'll offer advice, support, guidance and encouragement to:

  • incoming exchange students, and
  • NTU students who are considering studying abroad or who are about to go out on exchange.
  • Last updated: 29/01/2024