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Royce McKie

Learning Designer

Centre for Academic Development and Quality Dept.


As a Learning Designer Royce designs and develops effective learning and user experiences for students at NTU to help them acquire new knowledge, skills and competencies. Alongside his fellow learning designers, Royce creates engaging and interactive learning materials using various tools and techniques, from traditional taxonomies to developmental processes. Alongside his flex team colleagues, Royce conducts research and analysis to identify trends, technologies and methodologies for online and blended learning delivery and production. He then recommends, chooses and implements appropriate instructional strategies in line with institutional goals and tests to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning materials and experience incorporating the student's voice and make adjustments as necessary.

Career overview

Royce's interest in e-learning was first sparked at University, where he discovered a traditional sage on the stage approach was less effective for himself  and other students on his course. He set about investigating tools, technologies and techniques to enhance the learning and teaching experience. This led to the creation of several prototype tools for class presentations, which were then incorporated into the teaching department. As a result of this work, Royce was headhunted into an ESF project taking place at a local college for which he was project lead and developed a very successful teaching system for Crime Scene Investigation and the scientific method. After the project was completed, Royce was recruited into JISC Scotland, where he helped shape and form national policy for curriculum development for e-learning. During his time at JISC, Royce introduced new technologies and methodologies, including one of if not the first UK implementations of the Mozilla open badges platform for gamification and reward. Royce joined Nottingham Trent University as part of the e-learning team to help implement the SCALE-UP methodologies and other projects throughout NTU.

Research areas

Royce has a  particular interest in the area of personalisation and reinforcement of learning via a variety of strategies and techniques that help learners retain the information they have learned and apply it in real-world situations.

Augmented and virtual reality for training and teaching to create unique and innovative ways to engage learners, enhance their understanding and retention of information, and provide opportunities for experiential learning.

Reinforcement learning and assimilation verification in order to strengthen and consolidate knowledge and skills that have been covered during the learning experience.