Freedom of Information | Nottingham Trent University
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Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act covers information relating to the way Nottingham Trent University is governed and how decisions are made.

The Freedom of Information Act (2000) gives a general right of access, subject to certain exemptions, to all types of recorded information held by public authorities, (for the purposes of FOI the University has been designated a public authority). The aim of FOI is to promote greater openness and transparency in the operation of public authorities including use of public funding.

A substantial amount of information about the University can be found by visiting the University's homepage or by consulting our Guide for Information (below). If you are unable to locate the information you require, please make a formal FOI request (details below).

Please see our publication scheme (PDF, 140KB).

Guide to information


Financial statements

University's capital programme and financial regulations

N.B. Further information in relation to the University's Capital Plan is exempt under S43(2) (Commercial Interests). The Higher Education Sector is extremely competitive and release of this information would put the University at a disadvantage in the Higher Education Market Place for planning purposes.

Pay and grading structures

Purchasing information

Research funding

Terms of Reference

Board of Governors:

Academic Standards and Quality:

Staff/student consultation meetings:

The University does not hold staff/student consultation meetings. Such consultation would take place as advisory input into Programme Committees or Research Degree Committees.

Conducting university business

Academic services

Student services


Equality, diversity and inclusion


Health and Safety

  • Health and safety policy - available by email



Data protection

Freedom of Information



Counter-fraud policy

Information on other policies is available by email.

  • Declaration of interests by email (for inspection only)

How to make a request for information

If you are unable to find the information you require from our website or Guide for Information, you can make a request using our Information Request Form.

Under the FOI Act, a public authority is required to provide the information requested within 20 workings days of receipt of the request for information. However, it may be necessary for us to come back to for clarification on what is being requested – in this case, the 20 working day period may be extended.

There are 23 exemptions under the FOI Act, which may be applied to information which the University had decided not to release. The decision on exemptions will be based on the type of information requested and whether its release would prejudice the University in any way.


Appeals against a Refusal Notice by the University must be made in writing to the Head of Governance and Legal Services:

Head of Governance and Legal Services

Legal Services
Nottingham Trent University
50 Shakespeare Street

Or email Legal Services.

Please see our Internal Review Procedure (PDF, 76KB).

Last updated 21 March 2024