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Conor Meehan

Conor Meehan

Associate Professor


Staff Group(s)


Conor is an Associate Professor in Microbial Bioinformatics, specialising in the molecular epidemiology of bacterial pathogens and the evolution of microbiomes. They are a member of the Royal Society of Biology and a Fellow of the Higher Education Authority.

Career overview

Conor has over 10 years experience in microbial bioinformatics, genomics and evolution. He holds a B.Sc. in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics from Maynooth University and a Ph.D. in HIV drug resistance and transmission from NUI Galway.

Prior to joining NTU, they were a postdoctoral fellow at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada (2011-2014) and a research fellow at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium (2014-2019; still holds an honorary professor position) and an assistant professor of molecular microbiology at the University of Bradford (2019-2021).

Research areas

Conor's research focusses primarily on 4 areas:

- The evolution and molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other members of the genus Mycobacterium

- The use of genomic information for clinical decision making for the treatment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other pathogens

- The community-level evolution and interaction of microbes within host-associated microbiomes such as the lung and the gut

- The interface between bacterial taxonomy and clinical pathogen nomenclature

External activity

Conor is an editor for the journals Microbial Genomics and FEMS Microbiology Letters

Press expertise

Pathogen transmission and epidemiology