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Wendy Balestri

Wendy Balestri

Research Fellow

School of Science & Technology

Staff Group(s)


Research Fellow in Biomedical/Genetic Engineering at the School of Science and Technology

Career overview

Dr Wendy Balestri is a research fellow in biomedical and genetic engineering in Dr Reinwald's lab. She gained her PhD in biomedical engineering in December 2022, at Nottingham Trent University, working on the development of a 3D in vitro model of bone-tendon-muscle to study interfaces' regeneration. She obtained her Master of Science in Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of Pisa in 2017, where she developed a collagen-based 3D in vitro model to study liver fibrosis. Dr Balestri's current project focuses on reprogramming human stem cells with CRISPR/Cas9 to improve joint healing.

Research areas

Wendy is developing a 3D in vitro model of the bone, tendon and muscle interface. Interfaces are transition areas collocated between different tissues that usually do not regenerate after injuries and deterioration. The incapacity of the interface to regenerate leads to graft instability, therefore after implanting a device for heal the damaged joint, it will not last more than few years. With this new complex 3D tissue model, it will be possible to study the interface formation and restoration of injured joints in patient to improve their life style and health.

The model will be 3D printed using smart materials to recreate a growth environment for cells that resembles native surrounding in the human body.

Prior to joining NTU, Wendy pursued a Masters in Molecular Biology at the University of Pisa. During this time, she developed a 3D in vitro model for liver fibrosis. In this model, human epatocarcinoma cells were seeded in collagen gels. Gels were stiffened by crosslink using an enzymatic reaction and parameters like vitality, proliferation and metabolic activity were evaluated. Also the mechanical properties of the gels were evaluated measuring the elastic modulus by nanoindentation.

Areas of specialism include and are not limited to:
  • Genetic engineering
  • Regenerative medicine
  • Tissue engineering

External activity

During her undergraduate and master, Wendy did volunteering at a web radio called “Radiocicletta”. Here she worked as radio presenter in an outreach program that dealt with different scientific disciplines.