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Paul Hamilton

Paul Hamilton

Principal Lecturer

School of Social Sciences

Staff Group(s)
Criminology and Criminal Justice


Paul teaches on a number of modules for the BA (Hons) Criminology degree including Penology (Level Two) and Current Issues in Criminology (Level Three) (both as module leader), as well as 'Understanding Crime and Society' at Level One and 'Diversity of Crimes and Prejudice' at Level 2. In addition, Paul is module leader for the 'Offender Management and Crime Reduction' module at Masters level.

Career overview

Prior to academia, Dr Hamilton spent eight years in the commercial sector, which included a period working as an account manager for a large automotive IT company based in the West Midlands. Paul also worked as a research executive for a privately-funded social research organisation. The commercial and research skills gained during this period have proved invaluable in the academic arena.

Research areas

Paul has recently carried out research investigating resettlement policy and provision at a Category D prison in the East Midlands. The findings of this pilot study were used to assist the prison in reviewing the range / co-ordination of available resettlement facilities. Underpinning this is a commitment to improving the societal 're-entry' experiences of reformed offenders.

Dr Hamilton is also currently working on two research projects for the Nottinghamshire Probation Trust (pre 'Transforming Rehabilitation' (CRC) organisational changes). The first of these projects is a 'oral history' project in which the Nottingham Galleries of Justice, Nottinghamshire Probation Trust (NPT) and NTU (the 'partnership') are working collaboratively to ensure that future generations of Nottingham(shire) citizens retain an understanding of the role that NPT (and previous organisational incarnations) have played in:

  1. delivering desistance-focused rehabilitative interventions and
  2. how effectively these interventions have been delivered during historically fluctuating approaches to the treatment of offenders.

The second project is a process evaluation of a 'young adult' offender mentoring (pilot) project operating through the NPT. This project specifically seeks to understand how Offender Managers, mentors and mentees have experienced the mentoring process, with a particular focus on 'what worked', 'what didn't' and 'what is promising'. The research also seeks to explore the experiences and perceptions of mentees, with a focus on any evidence for:

  1. a facilitation of desistance;
  2. engaging with mainstream services; and/or
  3. up-skilling.

This, in turn is intended to inform future mentoring interventions for local voluntary and sub-contractors/ partners.

In addition to these broad 'offender management' research projects, Paul is currently working with Dr Loretta Trickett (NTU) on an NHS-funded project interviewing perpetrators of hate crimes against those with learning disabilities.

External activity

  • Independent Monitoring Board member at HMP Swinfen Hall.
  • Active member of Nottinghamshire's 'Hate Crime Steering Group'.
  • Sit on Board of Directors for Nottingham's 'Prostitute Outreach Workers' organisation.

Sponsors and collaborators

  • NHS
  • Nottinghamshire Probation Trust
  • HMPS


Hunter, J., Garius, L., Hamilton, P. and Wahidin, A., 2018. Who Steals from Shops, and Why? A Case Study of Prolific Shop Theft Offenders. In: Ceccato , V. and Armitage, R. eds. Retail Crime: International Evidence and Prevention. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 71 - 97.

Harding, R., and Hamilton, P., 2009. Working Girls: Abuse or Choice in Street-Level Sex Work? A Study of Homeless Women in Nottingham, British Journal of Social Work, 2009, Vol. 39(6), pp.1118-1137.

Press expertise

  • Prostitution (street level)
  • Crimes motivated by prejudice
  • Prisons and resettlement