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Staff photo of Silvia Lopez Quijada

Silvia Lopez Quijada


School of Social Sciences


Silvia Lopez Quijada is a lecturer on NTU's BA Criminal Justice (Top Up) and FdA Criminal Justice.

Career overview

Silvia is a Lecturer in Criminal Justice. She has worked directly with survivors of domestic abuse, through planning and delivering interventions that promote agency, recovery, and safety. She has also conducted research into victims' experiences of crime and the criminal justice system.  Moreover, Silvia has served as a Youth Offending Service Officer in South London where she managed and supervised high- risk children and young offenders. Silvia’s work and approach has focused on Restorative Justice, trauma-informed practice and developing a prosocial identity.

Research areas

Silvia has collaborated in a large scale research into children’s experiences of  domestic abuse led by the University of Northampton (The UNARS project).

Silvia has also conducted research into the VAWG agenda and services, commissioned by the Government of Jersey.

External activity

Silvia works as a dissertation tutor and director for the Masters in Criminology and Victimology at The International University of Valencia.