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ERASMUS Plus International Credit Mobility

Unit(s) of assessment: Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience; Social Work and Social Policy

Research theme: Health and Wellbeing

School: School of Social Sciences


This project, led by Linda Gibson, is funded by the British Council and has operated in two phases enabling over 250 transnational mobilities between the UK, Uganda, and Kenya.

The first phase (2018-2021) started with a bilateral mobility programme between NTU Social Sciences, Public Health and Makerere University, School of Public in Health in Uganda which established an exemplar programme of research development, capacity building and knowledge exchange between staff and undergraduate, Masters, and PhD students from both Public Health Departments.

The second phase (2021-2023) expanded its disciplinary and country focus to include exchange between both Uganda and Kenya in Public Health, Nursing, Microbiology, Animal Rural and Environmental Sciences. The last phase of the project is expected to end in July 2023. The Erasmus ICM Programme presents a unique opportunity for staff and students from both countries to broaden their horizons and gain a competitive edge in the global arena which aligns to NTU’s Connecting Globally strategy.