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Jess Walker

Member of the Academic Assurance and Regulation Committee


Jess Walker was elected as the VP Education for NTSU and began her term in July 2023. As VP Education, Jess sits on various quality assurance boards and academic standards committees at the University, which allows her to voice the academic experience and needs of the students to those at the highest levels of the organisation. Working alongside other Executive Officers and NTSU’s student voice team, Jess is committed to improving student support and advocating for student needs throughout their academic journey at NTU.

During her term in office, Jess is focused on ensuring consistent support for students across all campuses and schools at NTU, ensuring they receive the academic support needed and deserved whilst completing their academic journey. As a former course representative and student mentor, Jess is passionate about supporting students throughout their time at NTU and beyond, and she aims to enhance their experience by increasing visibility for her team of course representatives and providing up-to-date feedback and action for their peers, whilst also working alongside Employability and the Executive Team at NTSU to provide professional work opportunities for students.

Jess pursued a BA in Business during her time at NTU and actively participated in extracurricular activities to enhance her professional skills. Her experience as the President and Social Secretary of an NTSU society honed her skills in communication, delegation, and representation, which she now employs as VP Education. Jess is passionate about student welfare and support during their academic journey and will be utilising student responses from various ventures to improve engagement and provide the best student experience possible.