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Georgi Iliev

Venture and Product Development Manager

Nottingham Business School


Venture and Product Development Manager

Georgi currently teaches within the Innovation and Business Transformation, and Establishing a New Venture modules as part of MSc Business Transformation.

Career overview

Technology Lead
WMG Accelerator, University of Warwick
- Head of Product/New Product Development
- Understand and harness the underlying capabilities of companies to then align them better to appropriate markets.
- Cohort technical evaluation
- Improve their business processes, codevelop/evaluate their business flow diagram and user flow diagram and help them achieve a solid user-centred design.
- Scoping and codeveloping various research funded bids – secured over £160,000 for WMG Accelerator
- Helped cohort businesses secure over £7million in both government and private funding

Supervisor and educational assistant
WMG, University of Warwick - MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IAE)

- Designing and developing the course to become the number 1 ranked entrepreneurship master’s programme in the UK
- Involved with the delivery of ENB (“Establishing a new business”) module
- Teaching the principles of Agile methodology and the SCRUM framework

Software Developer
WMG, University of Warwick, Business Transformation Team

- Automated Post Processing for Metal AM (PLATFORM) – InnovateUK
- Integrated Manufacture of Polymer and Conductive Tracks (IMPACT) – InnovateUK
- KET4CleanProduction – EU Horizon2020
- Responsible for managing existing platforms and repositories – Privelt (IUK funded project-public license), UKCCM

Research areas

  • Automated Post Processing for Metal AM (PLATFORM) – InnovateUK
  • Integrated Manufacture of Polymer and Conductive Tracks (IMPACT) – InnovateUK
  • KET4CleanProduction – EU Horizon2020
  • Privelt - (IUK funded project)