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Martin Bencsik

Martin Bencsik


School of Science & Technology

Staff Group(s)
Physics and Mathematics


Dr Martin Bencsik is Module Leader for the following undergraduate modules:

  • Forensic Databases and Biometrics
  • Ionising Radiation and Non-Invasive Imaging
  • Forensic Audio

He also conducts research in Magnetic Resonance Imaging and automated Beehive condition monitoring, and supervises postgraduate students.

Career overview

Dr Bencsik completed his PhD in M.R.I. at the University of Nottingham. Following this he held two post-doctoral positions in M.R.I. at the University of Nottingham.

Research areas

Dr Bencsik has published material on the following:

  • M.R.I. of fluid flow in porous media
  • M.R.I. of fluid pressure
  • The physiological effects of M.R.I pulsed field gradients
  • New application of unilateral NMR instruments
  • The design and testing of various M.R.I. contrast agents
  • The monitoring of reed beds with N.M.R.
  • The condition monitoring of honey bee hives using the time course of vibrations produced by bees.

Opportunities to carry out postgraduate research towards an MPhil/PhD exist and further information may be obtained from the NTU Doctoral School.

External activity

Dr Bencsik is involved in outreach activities in primary and secondary schools and presents seminars and talks.

Sponsors and collaborators

Current and previous research is being conducted with the collaboration, funding and / or support of:


Numerical classification of curvilinear structures for the identification of pistol barrels. Bolton-King RS, Bencsik M, Evans P, Smith CL, Allsop DF, Painter JD and Cranton WM, Forensic Science International, 2012, 1-3, 197-209

Reducing peripheral nerve stimulation due to gradient switching using an additional uniform field coil. Hidalgo-Tobon SS, Bencsik M and Bowtell R, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011, 66 (5), 1498-1509

Identification of the honey bee swarming process by analysing the time course of hive vibrations. Bencsik M, Bencsik J, Baxter M, Lucian A, Romieu J and Millet M, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2011, 76 (1), 44-50

Towards MRI microarrays. Hall A, Mundell VJ, Blanco-Andujar C, Bencsik M, McHale G, Newton, MI and Cave GWJ, Chemical Communications, 2010, 46 (14), 2420-2422

Artificial exosomes as tools for basic and clinical immunology. De la Pena H, Madrigal JA, Rusakiewicz S, Bencsik M, Cave GWV, Selman A, Rees RC, Travers PJ and Dodi IA, Journal of Immunological Methods, 2009, 344 (2), 121-132

Quantitative NMR monitoring of liquid ingress into repellent heterogeneous layered fabrics. Bencsik M, Adriaensen H, Brewer S and McHale G, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2008, 193 (1), 32-36

Robust spatially resolved pressure measurements using Mri with novel buyoant advection-free preparations of stable microbubbles in polysaccharide gels. Bencsik M, Morris RH, Nestle N, Galvosas P, Fairhurst D, Vangala A, Perrie Y and McHale G, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2008, 193 (2), 159-16

Direct measurement of porous media local hydrodynamical permeability using gas MRI. Bencsik M and Ramanathan C, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2001, 19, 379-383

See all of Martin Bencsik's publications...

Press expertise

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
  • Data mining
  • Biometrics
  • Honeybee
  • Bee
  • Non-invasive monitoring
  • Science for art
  • Beekeeping
  • Varroa
  • Nuclear waste
  • Radiation in the environment