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MAtthew Griffits

Matt Griffiths

School Standards and Quality Manager

School of Science & Technology

Staff Group(s)


Matt Griffiths is the School Standards & Quality Manager for the School of Science & Technology.

In addition, he remains and active member of the Biomedical Science Practice Group. As well as continuing to teach on the BSc (H) Biomedical Science course and the MSc Biomedical Science course. He is a specialist in Cellular Pathology - teaching Histopathology, Cytopathology and Molecular Pathology.

Career overview

Matt has come from clinical practice in the NHS where he worked as an Expert Biomedical Scientist, specialising in the histological dissection of organs. Liaising closely with his medical colleagues, Matthew and his colleagues worked to deliver the optimum diagnosis and treatment for patients.

Research areas

Matt holds a professional doctorate in Biomedical Science. His research was in to the standards of dialogistic practice in histopathological dissection, and how to conduct quality assurance on this process and address any areas of variance.

External activity

He is also very active within the Institute of Biomedical Science, where he sits on the Scientific Advisory Panel for Cellular Pathology, is Deputy Chief Examiner for the Higher Specialist Diploma in Cellular Pathology, a registration portfolio verifier and a specialist portfolio examiner.


Use of key performance indicators in histological dissection
Authors: Matthew Griffiths and Rachel Gillibrand

3 - Good Health and Well-Being Badge 4 - Quality Education Badge 5 - Gender Equality Badge 10 - Reduced Inequalities Badge