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Samantha Westwell


United Kingdom
I am absolutely delighted with my results and the range of knowledge I have gained from the Senior Leader Apprenticeship!

More about Samantha

Why did you choose Nottingham Business School and your course?

"I had always wanted to go to university, making the decision to study at masters level a few years ago.

I was given the opportunity to apply for one of five funded places within my organisation as part of the apprenticeship levy scheme. Fortunately I was lucky enough to secure one of the positions and more importantly it was at Nottingham Business School.

Having grown up in Nottingham, hearing about the reputation of NBS and seeing the beautiful building the school is situated in I was so pleased to be able to study there without having to travel too far from work or home."

What motivated you to enrol on the course? 

"Having been in NHS frontline operational leadership roles for a number of years in order to progress further or to branch out to other areas of the NHS I knew that I needed to improve on my general business knowledge.

I also wanted to gain masters level education and therefore this seemed the perfect course for me, although I may have chosen a different time to study had I known Covid-19 was about to impact us all!"

Tell us about your experience on the SLMDA and progress onto the EMBA?

"I have now completed my EMBA and will graduate in December 2022 following completion of the EPA this summer.

I am absolutely delighted with my results and the range of knowledge I have gained.

I particularly enjoyed the consultancy modules; Having worked in the NHS for almost 22 years I feel that it helped demonstrate the transferable skills that enabled me to work successfully with private sector organisations.

It was also great to meet other like minded students from a range of different organisations as well as those in the healthcare sector."

What have you taken away with you from your experience on your course?

"As well as building on my existing leadership knowledge I have increased self-confidence proving to myself and others that I have the ability to work at masters level through the utilisation of the experiences gained from the course, both at an operational and strategical level in the work place.

Whilst our cohort was the worst effected by Covid-19 I have built friendships that I will hope will last throughout my career and beyond. The camaraderie that we developed certainly kept us going when it was most difficult and significant deadlines were looming!"

How has your journey on this course contributed to your career? 

"I have been given new projects within my organisation that I would never have been considered for previously, which have enabled me to demonstrate my leadership skills and abilities. This has enhanced my profile within my organisation whilst also enabling me to broaden my overall knowledge.

I will also be able to progress further in the wider NHS having completed an MBA."

What advice would you give to someone applying or looking at studying SLMDA?

"The SLMDA is a huge commitment, especially for those working full time with young families; it’s hard to explain why Mummy or Daddy can’t play in the garden or is locked away again studying all weekend. However although the commitment is significant I know that the education, experiences and knowledge have already benefitted me and will continue to do so in the future.

Alongside those career benefits I am also hoping that the knowledge and skills I have gained will not only enable me to be a better parent, but that I will be a positive female role model for my daughters and my colleagues."

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