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Develop international skills as part of the Global Employability Award

NTU students that are interested in working abroad have the opportunity to enhance their CV by developing international skills and experience through the Global Employability Award.

Global Employability Award image

This is an exciting award delivered by the Employability team in collaboration with NTU Global to support students in becoming global graduates through meaningful online and in-person experiences, such as volunteering for our Language Café, organising a cultural event, representing a culture or a global issue at our annual Global Week celebration (April 2021), becoming a Global Lounge Assistant, taking part in challenges and much more.

The award is open to all students but may appeal to those who are interested in working internationally or improving their international profile, or who want to work with people from diverse communities within the UK.

The benefits of taking part in the Global Employability Award are:

  • Develops your global appeal by highlighting your international related skills and experience
  • Helps you stand apart from others – giving you a unique selling point on your CV
  • Rewards and recognises the extra work you have done outside of your course through a formal certificate and contributes to your HEAR if you’re an undergraduate student.

“Through my past experience and the completion of the global award I believe I have developed the skills and attributes of a employable global graduate.” NTU BSc Psychology Final Year Student.

“Participating in the award has been extremely rewarding. To my surprise, the online activities were selected to be specific to the job role whilst giving me essential life skills. The courses have given me a new outlook on working across cultural boundaries.”- Ruqaya Mailk NTU Law student.

If you’re an NTU student interested in taking part in this award, you can register now and start gaining your extracurricular international experience. When the award commences you can simply add your points to your record.

Please contact the team with any questions

Published on 9 February 2021
  • Category: Current students