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Jack's ultramarathon fundraiser for our Alzheimer's, Dementia and Parkinson's (ADP) research

After losing two family members to Parkinson’s and dementia, Jack Lonsdale set himself a challenge – to complete a 50km Heights Ultra Trail event in the Derbyshire Peak District.

Jack Lonsdale
Jack Lonsdale

Jack completed the challenge – smashing his original fundraising target by 268 percent. He was keen to tell us more about his reasons for going the extra mile.

“Nothing I could ever go through on any physical level could compare to the pain of all those affected by Parkinson's, Dementia and Alzheimer's,” Jack says. “I wanted to do something that would stand out and go beyond a marathon. I also love hiking in the countryside with my dog, so decided I wanted to set myself a big personal challenge in surroundings I knew so well.”

Having completed such a gargantuan fundraising achievement, Jack is keen to share some inspirational advice.

“It’s not about speed, it’s about distance!” he tells us. “I took part in lots of training runs to get comfortable and then began going further. For me, it was about doing what I could around the balance of life, work, home, and holidays.”

Such was Jack’s commitment to fundraising, he even trained during his honeymoon.

“Big thanks need to go out to my wife Jade for all her support,” he says. “She also helped remind me why I’d chosen to do this and why it was so important.”

Having spent eight hours pounding the Yorkshire landscape, Jack completed his incredible goal. He also took time to contemplate his motives for raising funds and awareness for our vital ADP research.

“Over the last few years, I saw my grandma decline with dementia,” Jack says. “I know how cruel a condition it can be on both the sufferers and their families. To slowly lose her over time – and seeing how she got confused, and angry, and scared – was heart-breaking.”

“My wife sadly had a similar experience. She lost her grandad, who had suffered with Parkinson's and dementia. We also have a great friend who lives with Parkinson's, and I could think of no better cause to support.”

Jack’s keen to inspire others to find their own fundraising challenge.

“My first piece of advice would be not to take yourself too seriously,” he tells us. “Sharing your ups and downs, your wins and not-so-wins, makes it feel very personal and real. Share pictures of your progress – these help to spur on your supporters and show that you’re committed to the cause.”

“Finally, choose something really close to your heart. In my case, that was supporting your ADP research. It really matters when you need to dig deep and get over your own personal finish line.”

Please support us

If you've been inspired by Jack to support our Alzheimer’s, dementia and Parkinson's research, and you'd like to discuss ideas, please get in touch with our fundraising team.

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