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Gabby Walton

Gabrielle Walton

Senior Lecturer

Nottingham School of Art & Design

Staff Group(s)
Fashion marketing, management and communication


Gabby is senior lecturer on the Fashion Communication and Promotion course and leads the Fashion Anthropology module. She also teaches across a number of other BA and MA level courses within the FMMC subject area.

Career overview

Gabby joined NTU in 2016. Before this, she worked as a digital print & graphic designer for several years, in these roles she honed her skills in visual communication and culturally relevant research.

Research areas

Gabby is currently undertaking her PhD titled “In and out of the Bisexual closet: A material cultures study of plurisexual visual identities.”

A research project which spans Fashion Anthropology, Queer studies, Material Cultures and Media Studies.

Sponsors and collaborators

Institute of Mental Health

Course(s) I teach on