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Mel Hayton


United Kingdom
I knew from a few years back that I wanted to teach. I’m so glad I did! It was the best decision I’ve made. I like the fact I am able to influence the lives of children and watch their confidence grow.

More about Melissa

Why NTU?

Why did you choose to study a PGCE?

"I knew from a few years back that I wanted to teach. The matter was when! I decided after the pandemic that it was the right change for a career change. I’m so glad I did! It was the best decision I’ve made. I like the fact I am able to influence the lives of children and watch their confidence grow. As a child, school wasn’t easy for me! There were a couple of teachers who really helped me improve my academic life. I think experiencing how much of a difference a caring and dedicated teacher made in my own life made me want to have the same impact on other young people's lives."

Why did you choose your PGCE course at NTU?

"I originally did my BSc degree at NTU, since living in Nottingham, it was easier to commute from home to NTU. After having my interview, I had a feeling that it would be a great fit."

What was your experience of your course?

"I had a great, supportive mentor and course leader. He was really encouraging and pushed me to be the best teacher. When things were stressful, there was always an opportunity to express my concerns and deal with them quickly. Finishing the PGCE was a really amazing feeling."

Were you been involved in any projects or extra-curricular activities that have supplemented your studies run through NTU?

"After my course was completed, I helped on the SKE for Design and Technology. This is to support the learning of those coming into teaching DT with a brief overview of a specific area within our subject. This has been a great experience!"

On Placement

Did you complete any work placements on your course?

"As part of my PGCE, there were two placements. One was October-December, the second January to June; both in secondary schools within Nottingham. I was given some element of choice and was fully supported at both. I gained valuable skills in various teaching styles, including modelling and effective demonstration."

Do you have any memorable moments from your placement?

"Submitting my last assignment and completing my last day on placement, after what felt like a really long, busy year, having completed it was amazing!"


What do you think of the support available from tutors and staff at NTU?

"The support during my time at NTU was invaluable, it was very seen as a hassle and was always responded to quickly."

Outside of the Lecture Theatre

Did you find it easy to make friends and settle in at NTU?

"Yes, everyone on my course was friendly and approachable, there are members I still speak and see regularly now, friends for life!"

Life after NTU

Tell us about what you’re doing now

"I currently work at a secondary school in Nottingham and have recently become the Head of Food and Textiles as a second year Early Career Teacher (ECT)."

Still need help?

+44 (0)115 941 8418
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