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Fiyinfoluwa Oyelade


I chose a postgraduate study at NTU because of the unique course it offered me. It is an emerging area of law and very few universities offer this course.

More about Fiyinfoluwa

Why did you choose NTU and Nottingham Law School?

I chose Nottingham Trent University and Nottingham Law School because of its excellent reputation in legal education and commitment to providing practical, industry-relevant learning experiences. The university's strong connections with legal professionals, combined with state-of-the-art facilities and a supportive learning environment, made it an ideal choice for me.

Why did you choose postgraduate study at NTU?

I chose a postgraduate study at NTU because of the unique course it offered me. It is an emerging area of law and very few universities offer this course.

What inspired you to study law?

The intricate and ever-evolving nature of law, coupled with its impact on society, inspired me to study law. I am fascinated by the ability of law to shape and uphold justice, and I am driven to make a positive difference by advocating for fairness and equality within our legal system and everywhere I find myself in.

What do you enjoy about your course?

I thoroughly enjoyed the dynamic and intellectually stimulating environment, where I had the opportunity to delve into the complex intersection of law and technology. The engaging curriculum, combined with the guidance of experienced faculty and collaborative discussions with fellow students, allowed me to explore emerging legal issues in technology and gain a deeper understanding of the legal challenges and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field.

What marks out of 10 would you give for course facilities and why?

9 because of its modern and well-equipped facilities, including dedicated spaces for legal research, access to legal databases, and technology-enabled classrooms which I have benefited from and to my overall positive experience. I would definitely miss Boots Library.

How would you promote NTU to potential students in 10 words or fewer?

Top-ranked programs, thriving student community, and supportive learning environment.

What three words would you use to describe Nottingham?

Fun, historical and diverse.

Where would you recommend visiting in Nottingham?

The Lost City Nottingham (adventure golf).

If you have a (non-academic) problem, who would you talk to? What would you do?

I would talk to my friends, family and my personal tutor.

Finally, is there anything else you’d like to share?

Having pursued my education at Nottingham Trent University, I have gained a profound sense of confidence and preparedness for the future, an invaluable experience that I wouldn't exchange for anything.

Among the treasured memories, receiving the school's scholarship stands out as a moment of immense excitement that continues to fill me with enthusiasm to this day. I diligently gathered all necessary documents and responded to the three essay questions for the scholarship. Upon receiving my admission, I had only six days left to submit the essays before the scholarship deadline. I am grateful I was able to submit before the deadline and let out tears of relief and happiness when I submitted. When I received the email on June 13, 2022, stating that I was awarded the scholarship, I was dazed and it left me in awe. It was my first scholarship ever, and I will never forget that moment. The application process for the scholarship was very easy and straightforward with the instructions clearly written and I applied after I was given Admission to study at Technology Law LLM. I am also grateful for all the friends and people I came across while studying.

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