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Product Design Masters 2023 Student Spotlight: Parul Saleria

Student Spotlight featuring MA Design: Products and Furniture student, Parul Saleria, and her project, Pénombre Chair.

Parul smiling at the camera

About Parul:

I am an interior design professional and design enthusiast with a keen eye for detail and a love for innovative design solutions.

Passionate about harmonising form and function I aspire to create furniture that seamlessly integrates with its surroundings, elevating both aesthetics and comfort.

Currently, I am immersed in the journey of developing a seating design that aims to deliver the ultimate relaxation experience while maintaining a strong focus on aesthetic appeal.

Chair design

Pénombre Chair

The project aims to tackle perceived stress in individuals through a nature-inspired lounge chair designed for residential spaces.

Inspired by the concept of bringing nature into the home, the project focuses on designing a lounge chair that seamlessly blends aesthetic appeal with relaxation and comfort.

Additionally, sustainability is a critical consideration, with the chair being developed using materials that are easy to disassemble or replace at the end of its life cycle.

Parul;s chair design shot from behind

See more of Parul's work on the NTU Product Masters website.