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Product Design Masters 2023 Student Spotlight: Venkatesh Reddy

Student Spotlight featuring MA Design: Products and Technology student, Venkatesh Reddy, and his project, PLAMincer (FDM Scrap Recycler).

Venkatesh smiling at the camera

About Venkatesh:

I am a product designer passionate about creating innovative and user-centric experiences.

Bringing ideas to life through thoughtful design, I strive to solve complex problems and enhance everyday interactions.

Constantly curious and driven by collaboration, I craft intuitive interfaces that blend aesthetics, technology and functionality. Would like to shape the future together, one pixel at a time.

New tool design

PLAMincer (FDM Scrap Recycler)

Additive manufacturing is widely regarded as the future of production and manufacturing in the 21st century.

However, 3D printing technology poses a unique challenge in terms of waste management, presenting both benefits and drawbacks.

Addressing this issue entails not only seeking a straightforward solution, but also necessitates a shift in recycling practices and trends.

See more of Venkatesh’s work on the NTU Product Masters website.