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Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project

Faculty and students from Makerere University attended the ‘Connecting Globally Conference’ at Clifton Campus, NTU (10 July 2023) as part of the Erasmus Plus International Credit Mobility (ICM) Programme at Nottingham Trent University, May-July 2023.

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Project overview 

The Erasmus Plus Integrated Credit Mobility (ICM) Programme has operated in two phases and enabled over 250 transnational mobilities between the UK, Uganda, and Kenya. The first phase (2018 -2021) started with a bilateral mobility programme between NTU Social Sciences, Public Health and Makerere University, School of Public in Health in Uganda which established a programme of research development, capacity building, and knowledge exchange between staff and undergraduate, Masters, and PhD students from both Public Health Departments. The second phase (2021-2023) expanded its disciplinary and country focus to include exchanges between Uganda and Kenya in Public Health, Nursing, Microbiology, Animal Rural and Environmental Sciences.

The programmes exposed students to new cultural perspectives and research activities, leading to bi-directional learning between the two universities. Students who participated in the programme were involved in academic research training, writing retreats, summer schools, and conference presentations which enabled them to acquire the necessary skills to succeed in their field or research. The Erasmus ICM Programme presented a unique opportunity for staff and students from both countries to broaden their horizons and gain a competitive edge in the global arena which aligns to NTU’s Connecting Globally strategy.



UK, Uganda, and Kenya

Mr Cato Rolea, (Former Senior Global Partnerships Manager, ‘Africa, Middle East & Americas’, NTU Global) alongside students from Makerere University. Attending the ‘Connecting Globally Conference’ at Clifton Campus, NTU (10 July 2023) as part of the Erasmus Plus International Credit Mobility (ICM) Programme at Nottingham Trent University, May-July 2023.

Methodological approach

The Erasmus Plus ICM project adopted an approach that promoted internationalization and provided valuable opportunities for staff, early career researchers, and students in the global health community. This innovative training and mobility framework was designed to develop research capacity, facilitate international comparative work, and enhance bi-directional learning. The Erasmus Plus ICM project was well-equipped to drive knowledge translation and mobility in three critical areas of research: community engagement, health promotion and prevention, and the strengthening of primary health care systems. This programme provided an unrivalled opportunity for students, and staff from MU and NTU to acquire the perspectives and experience necessary to excel in the field of global health.

Team members

Management support team