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East Asia

NTU is developing world-leading teaching and research collaborations with institutions and organisations around the world.

Find out more about our work taking place in East Asia in this section.

Pei Liu profile

"The UK and the countries of East Asia are proud of our rich and distinctive cultures and have enjoyed a long history of learning from each other. Our collaborations in this region showcase our strength across a range of disciplines, and contribute significantly towards realising our international ambitions. Please get in touch with me if you'd like to learn more."

Pei Liu

Senior Global Partnerships Manager, East Asia

Our expert in the region

Haida Liang

Haida leads the Imaging & Sensing for Archaeology, Art History & Conservation (ISAAC) Research Group, is Director of the Imaging, Materials and Engineering Research Centre (IMEC) and is also one of the leading researchers involved in NTU's first Research Peak - Cultural Heritage.

“One of the many exciting research projects I've worked on in recent years involved the examination of artwork in the Mogao Cave in Jiuquan, China. In collaboration with the Dunhuang Research Academy in China and The British Library, my team used remote spectral imaging to examine the artwork which dates back some 700 years. The discovery prevails the cultural and economic impact of the Silk Road, a major factor in the development of civilizations in China, the Indian subcontinent, Persia, Europe, Africa, and Arabia.”

Professor Haida Liang (Physics, School of Science and Technology)

Read more about Haida's work in her staff profile.

Old Summer Palace Research and Innovation Project

The research team of the Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Global Heritage (CAUGH) at NTU, in collaboration with The School of Design & Arts at Beijing Institute of Technology, have jointly established the Centre of Virtual Intelligence for Cultural Heritage [CEVIC].

Focusing on the Old Summer Palace Research and Innovation Project, a research project has started to investigate the history of the site, its socio-cultural narratives, as well as using smart digital technologies to survey, record and virtually reconstruct the Old Summer Palace onto virtual platforms that engage wider audience and user groups with their collections.

This project is designed to bring both sides knowledge and expertise together to debate the best preservation and development plans for the site and its accessibility to the public. For more information, contact Professor Mohamed Gamal Abdelmonem.