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United Kingdom
The apprenticeship has already had an impact on my performance in my current role. It’s given me a much broader understanding of many different areas of business, and improved my approach to the people and the projects that I work on.

More about Andrew

Why did you choose to do the Senior Leader Apprenticeship?

My mum did an MBA at NTU and I’ve always had an interest in the qualification. Also, in my previous roles, I’ve worked closely with apprenticeships, so when my dad and Managing Director told me about the Senior Leaders Master’s Degree Apprenticeship I thought it was a great opportunity for me and the business.

Why did you choose to study at NBS and NTU?

NTU is offering a qualification I wanted to achieve that I know is recognised by employers; from the reviews and its easy access. I therefore believe I could succeed with my course at NTU. Also, many of my family and friends have graduated at NTU and they’ve told me that Nottingham Business School is one of the best in the country. NTU was voted university of the year the year before I enrolled and I’ve been able to study for a highly sought after qualification. I feel the student support and care has been first class, especially under the recent circumstances.

How do you believe this apprenticeship will affect both your current job role and future career?

The apprenticeship has already had an impact on my performance in my current role. It’s given me a much broader understanding of many different areas of business, and improved my approach to the people and the projects that I work on. I think it could have a great effect on my career if I’m able to use the skills that I’ve learned.

What is your favourite thing about your apprenticeship?

One of the best feelings is when you hand in an assignment, which is second to getting a good grade. I’ve really liked the mix of subjects and learning how to correctly analyse businesses using a number of methods. Also, it enriches my working practices and confidence in how I apply myself in my role.

What skills and experience have you gained as part of this apprenticeship? Has there been anything that you were not expecting?

I really like the broad range of high level business knowledge that we get across the different modules. I have developed my confidence, analytical, management and consultancy skills, and knowledge and understanding significantly as we’ve been analysing businesses from every angle for two years which helps me to have a holistic view. It has also helped me to apply theory to practice. The course has given me the necessary tools I need to do my job, develop the company I currently work for and others that I might work with in the future. It has made me more employable.

What advice would you give to someone applying or looking to study the Senior Leader Apprenticeship?

Be prepared to give up a major chunk of your time for the next two years and expect to be challenged on every module of the course.

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+44 (0)115 941 8418
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