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The Creative Quarter Company

The Creative Quarter Company closed on Friday 31 March 2023 after ten amazing years.

It established what it set out to do – to champion and support Nottingham’s creative and digital businesses and help to regenerate the east side of the city.

Nottingham’s creative and digital landscape is still transforming – the journey to put Nottingham at the forefront is continuing – the sector is growing faster than most other core cities in the UK. The Creative Quarter Company’s legacy lives on.

Businesses of all sizes in the creative and digital sector within Nottingham will still be able to access support to enable their growth and development through services offered by Nottingham Trent University. These include Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, research collaborations, bespoke training, courses and consultancy.

We’ve been supporting the creative economy for over 170 years since our inception as the Nottingham School of Art & Design. Find out more about our latest projects to support the creative and digital industries, including Confetti X, Metronome, the Design & Digital Arts Building and our London Campus.

Find out more about how we’re investing in Nottingham’s future as a creative and digital hub.

Whatever you might be looking for, NTU is here to help. Click on the most relevant link to find out more and how to get in touch.

NTU offers co-working, offices, meeting rooms and professional networks for creative and digital practitioners and businesses at both the Dryden Enterprise Centre and Antenna Nottingham.


Funded programmes
