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The technique

An explanation of the adapted process.

Most people involved in mainstream physical education, recreation or sports will come into contact with some modified physical activity situations, for example:

  • in their home
  • educational settings
  • leisure experiences.

This could be family rounders in the back garden, mini games in PE class or adhoc changes to an adult game of golf.

The technical challenge

In special needs settings the fundamental factor which will determine the success in any practical venture, is the technical challenge of adapting the activity, game or sport for the individual(s) or group concerned.

Technical equity

Technical equity is the physical involvement in activities, games or sports. It is probably the most underplayed factor in many contemporary initiatives and could be considered the 'last barrier of inclusion', if all the other barriers have been overcome, i.e. policies, attitudes, access and finance.

This two-tiered concept can be used to explain the adapted process. It relates to the right of the participant to first have:

  1. technical access - appropriate access to engage in participation as others do
  2. technical impact - the desired impact in terms of the positive outcomes from being involved in the participation according to their needs as an individual or group.

Those who teach, instruct or coach can achieve technical equity - the right balance in the challenges of participating in an activity, game or sport - by utilising the six components of adapting.