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Moe Thet Khin

Moe Thet

NTU offers a holistic course that not only focuses on theoretical knowledge, but also gives us many opportunities to gain practical skills which is very useful for the industry.

More about Moe Thet

What is it about NTU that made you want to study here?

“The employability rate of NTU’s civil engineering graduates are among the highest in the UK. Among all the universities I looked into, NTU offered the best benefits and graduate employability prospects.”

What do you enjoy most about your course at NTU?

“The modules are well-structured to gradually build up our knowledge and prepare us for the industry. The seminars, lectures, labs and field trips are very interactive and help to build up our knowledge tremendously. The academic staff from the engineering department are all very supportive.”

Have you been involved in any live projects or briefs?

“In our final year, we were tasked to do a flood alleviation project which the lecturers at NTU carried out in conjunction with North Midlands Construction (NMC). We were allowed to develop solutions as a team before presenting it to a panel of judges, which included lecturers and engineers from NMC. Unlike the projects we’ve done before, this project involved different stages and detailed planning, making it a very thought-provoking and realistic project.”

Has the course included any industry competitions?

“During our second year, we were given the opportunity to participate in the Engineering for People Design Challenge which was organised by Engineers without Borders, a UK-based charity and NGO. It was a great way to apply our engineering knowledge in a real life situation. We had to come up with an innovative solution to help Lobitos deal with issues related to water, sanitation and energy. It was a very challenging project, which helped me become more aware about the importance of engineering in a real life scenario.”

Has the course included any speakers / lecturers from industry?

“Last year, Sir John Armitt, the former president of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) visited NTU as a guest lecturer. It was a great honour to meet a well-known figure who has made many significant contributions to the industry. It was an inspiring talk that focused on the future of the industry, and raised important issues.”

What do you think about the course staff?

“The lecturers are very well organised and they always make sure we are aware of everything that is coming up at the start of the year. They are helpful and very responsive via email, and willing to arrange individual consultation sessions for students who need extra support. There are also library student mentors who help us with any difficulties we encounter with our studies and coursework.”

How do you find the facilities on offer at NTU?

“The university is well-equipped with industry-standard equipment and experienced lab technicians who are always willing to help.”

In a nutshell, why would you recommend your course / NTU to someone looking to study BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering?

“NTU offers a holistic course that not only focuses on theoretical knowledge, but also gives us many opportunities to gain practical skills which is very useful for the industry.”

Have you completed any work placements?

“After my second year, I had the opportunity to do a summer placement at AECOM. I worked in the rail department alongside seasoned engineers and gained an insight on various projects both in the UK and as far as Canada. This helped me develop a better understanding of how things we learned at NTU were directly relevant in the industry. It also helped me gain more confidence in my abilities, and was a great learning opportunity.”

What advice would you give to prospective international students who are considering applying for this course?

“I would advise students to immerse themselves in all the activities and experiences that the University has to offer as they are all great learning opportunities, even if it isn’t directly related to your course.”

Could you tell us about anything else you have been involved in while at NTU?

“I represent NTU as an International Student Ambassador. My role involves welcoming new international students to the city and helping them settle in. I help facilitate welcome events and Meet Global Friends sessions at the Global Lounge. I was also given the opportunity to be part of a conference held for international agents by the International Development Office.”

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