Master of Laws LLM Postgraduate taught Course | Nottingham Trent University
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Master of Laws LLM

Start date

  • Level(s) of Study: Postgraduate taught
  • Start Date(s): September 2024
  • Duration: One year full-time, two years part-time.
  • Study Mode(s): Full-time / Part-time
  • Campus: City Campus
  • Entry Requirements: More information
Information for 2024/25


  • 100% of NTU's research submitted to the Law Unit of Assessment was assessed to be world-leading or internationally excellent in terms of research impact (REF 2021).

Our LLM Master of Laws provides an exciting and flexible approach to postgraduate study, allowing you to build an LLM course to suit your specialist interests and requirements.

About the LLM Master of Laws

This course is ideal for those who do not wish to specialise in a particular area of law, but would rather demonstrate ability in a range of subject areas. You are given complete choice over which modules to study from our wide range of subject areas including Sports Law,  Human Rights, Health Law, International Commercial Law , International Energy Law, Technology Law and Corporate Law.

Why choose this course?

  • Choose to study combinations of modules from our varied range of subject areas.
  • Ideal for those who want to keep their study of Law broad-based.
  • Tailor your LLM to suit your career needs.
  • Full-time and part-time study routes.
  • Attend an International Summer School and explore Law in a European context.
  • Scholarships available.
  • Individual modules can be studied for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) awards. Contact us for details.
  • 100% of law students said overall they are satisfied with the quality of the course (PTES 2023)
  • 100% of law students said the staff are good at explaining things (PTES 2023)
  • 100% of law students said they have been able to access subject specific resources (PTES 2023)
  • NTU is 3rd for number of PGT students studying Law (Latest HESA data 2021/22)

What you’ll study

You can choose to study modules from those available across our LLM portfolio in the following subject areas:

  • Sports Law
  • Human Rights
  • Health Law
  • International Commercial Law
  • International Energy Law
  • Technology Law
  • Corporate Law


In each case modules are assessed through one piece of course work. This usually takes the form of a problem- or essay-style question, but will vary by module. You can submit and receive feedback on assessments over the course of each module.

Your dissertation will be assessed through a research based written assignment of 12,000 words. The topic that you choose for your dissertation should be relevant to the course specialism and the chosen title will be subject to approval by the Course Leader.

Additionally, you will complete a reflective report consisting of pre-set questions, each with a maximum word count attributed to it; approximately 250 words, i.e. 1000 words in total. Your reflective report will be assessed by way of competence or non-competence.

How do I study?

The academic year for the LLM courses is split into three parts: two ten-week terms (Term One runs from the beginning of the academic year until the Christmas vacation, Term Two between Christmas and Easter) and the summer period.

Full-time students – who complete the course over one academic year – study three modules in each term and complete the dissertation over the summer.

Part-time students – who complete the course over two academic years – study three modules across Terms One and Two in each year (six in total), beginning work on researching their dissertation during the first summer period and completing it during the second.

On the full-time and part-time modes modules are taught throughout the week. Depending on your timetable you may be expected to attend on more than one day. Seminars are led by academics but will usually require you to carry out extensive guided preparatory work and will often involve short presentations or other contributions.

Expert teaching staff

Whichever modules you choose you will be taught by expert teaching staff with a wealth of practical and research experience.

Visit our academic staff page to view staff profiles.

Research expertise

We have a number of internationally recognised experts in a wide range of legal areas. To find out more visit our research page.

Choose any six modules from those available across our LLM portfolio in the following subject areas:

Sports Law

Sport Law and Regulation

The particular aims of the module are to support the development of a sophisticated understanding of the major themes which pervade the area, in particular those relating to: Self-, state- and co-regulation; Legal intervention and legal deference; The importance of the sporting context in the application of legal and regulatory principles; and Globalisation and internationalisation.

Sport IP and Commerce

This module introduces and develops the key issues underpinning the discipline of intellectual property in a sports context. It is both foundational – providing a theoretical and critical framework of intellectual property through which this and other related intellectual property law modules can be understood – and important in its own right as an opportunity to develop a broad critical understanding of intellectual property law.

European Sports Law and Policy

This module will consider the applicability and the application of European Union law to sporting activity. The module commences by developing an outline and critique of the various roles of the European Union institutions in respect of sport.

Sports and the Human Body

This module aims to foster a critical and detailed understanding of the bodily security interests and their related dignity interests engaged by sports participation.

International Dispute Resolution

This module aims to understand technical legal, procedural, political and commercial aspects of international dispute resolution. The module will equip students with a fundamental knowledge regarding litigation, arbitration and mediation - in the commercial environment from the perspective of the courts of England and Wales.

Human Rights

Human Rights

This module aims to evaluate the international structures and mechanisms for the protection of human rights, and evaluate the procedural and substantive protection afforded to human rights by international institutions.

The Refugee in International Law

This module will examine the position of the refugee in international law and how refugees are protected.  The module will develop knowledge of public international law, international humanitarian law and international human rights law. The module will focus on a critical study of the development of refugee law in international law and state practice – with a particular focus on state practice which limits obligations to refugees and restricts solutions.

Human Rights and Criminal Justice

To identify and explain the nature and significance of international human rights standards and their impact upon criminal justice.

Public International and Humanitarian Law

To develop knowledge and critical understanding of the international legal frameworks governing use of force, conduct of hostilities and protections of civilians in times of armed conflicts.

Terrorism and International Response

The module provides a unique opportunity to gain crucial awareness of such long-standing issues such as the distinction between ‘terrorists’ and ‘freedom fighters’.  Key issues are introduced and developed within appropriate theoretical and critical legal frameworks which facilitate analysis both of violent incidents having an international dimension in general, and of non-state violent group atrocities specifically.

Global Innovation and Intellectual Property

This module critically develops the key issues underpinning innovation and the discipline of patent law, including their application in UK and internationally, often in a public health and sustainable development context.

Victimisation and Criminal Justice

To explore the normative and pragmatic role of victims at various stages throughout the criminal process; to evaluate the extent to which existing criminal justice structures can protect the rights and meet the needs of victims; to investigate the viability of restorative processes as an alternative means of protecting victims’ rights; to examine the case for ‘mainstreaming’ restorative justice as an alternative to conventional justice; to consider future directions on law and policy reform in the light of international standard-setting and harmonisation.

International Criminal Law

The module provides a critical insight into the development and application of international criminal law, via a focus on the four "core" international crimes (genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression), the evolution of relevant institutions (from the Nuremberg trials to the permanent International Criminal Court), and contemporary issues in applying the law.  Students exit the module with a good working knowledge and critical insight into this area of law and its application.

Expression Rights:  Art, Politics and Religion

This module explores issues in relation to freedom of expression and other expressive rights, for example, the right to manifest religion or belief, the right to vote and the right to peaceful assembly

Health Law

Regulation of Healthcare Quality

This module aims to examine the key areas of law relating to the practice of medicine in the UK, taking into account EU legislation and international health norms.  There will be particular focus on the law relating to medical malpractice, clinical governance, quality of healthcare, medication safety and patient centred care, including the protection of confidential information.

Employer and Health Law

This module aims to foster an understanding of the obligation of employers to care for the health of employees, particularly in the context of employees in a health care setting.

Mental Capacity and Mental Health Law

The module aims to identify and critically analyse the conceptual underpinnings and law relating to consent to medical treatment in the UK, mental capacity under the Mental Capacity Act and the civil law provisions of the Mental Health Act 1983.

Beginning and Ending of Life

The module supports students in the identification and critical exploration of the legal and ethical issues in two key respects relating to human life.
The first, concerning the beginning of human life, focuses on ethical and legal issues relevant to the of use of assisted reproduction technology and conduct affecting the human embryo/foetus during pregnancy or resulting in that pregnancy coming to an end.
The second involves detailed consideration of ethical and legal implications of ending of life issues in a medical context.  The particular focus of this component of the module is the intentional shortening and assistance, in the shortening of life, and the withdrawing and withholding of life-maintaining intervention where the shortening of life is not intended.

Medical Use of the Human Body

The module aims to support students in gaining a critical appreciation of the conceptual aspects of medical use of the human body and critically explore it as a phenomenon. In doing so students are encouraged to adopt philosophical constructs and ethical principles as a means of developing a critical perspective on what constitutes appropriate constraint of medical use.

Global Innovation and Intellectual Property

This module critically develops the key issues underpinning innovation and the discipline of patent law, including their application in UK and internationally, often in a public health and sustainable development context.

International Commercial Law

International Commercial Transactions

The module aims to provide a supportive and structured learning environment in which to develop a high level of knowledge and critical insight into the scope, principles, effect and practice of commercial law in the field of international commercial transactions.

International Carriage of Goods

This module introduces the scope, principles, effect and practice of international commercial law in the field of the international carriage of goods,
and promotes a critical understanding of the regulation by international treaty of contracts for such carriage and of the legal complexities and difficulties arising in the application of such international treaties.

Corporate Governance

Large companies wield great power and can impact on lives in many ways.  Some will have power and reach equivalent to that a nation state.  The aim of this module is to consider how risks arising from corporate power can be addressed without stifling innovation.  We will look at how different types of shareholder can influence the way in which firms are run.  As well as this internal perspective we will consider the company’s external impact and how this shapes its obligations.  We will look primarily at the position in the UK with some comparative insights.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Develop detailed and in-depth knowledge of the concept of CSR, including its history, relevant theories, and limitations to legal policy and business practices in national, international, multi-sector and multi-disciplinary settings.

International Dispute Resolution

To allow students to understand the technical legal, procedural, political and commercial aspects of international dispute resolution. The module will equip students with a fundamental knowledge regarding litigation, arbitration and mediation - in the commercial environment from the perspective of the courts of England and Wales..

International Competition Law

This module aims to provide students with a critical understanding of the role and significance of competition law and its contribution to building a sustainable global economy.  It is about the legal regulation of market power to protect the interests of consumers in the context of increasing global trade and integration.  It examines laws regulating the behaviour of businesses aimed at protecting competition in markets and the effective enforcement of those laws.

Global Innovation and Intellectual Property

This module critically develops the key issues underpinning innovation and the discipline of patent law, including their application in UK and internationally, often in a public health and sustainable development context.

Global Data Governance, Technology and Corporate Responsibility

The module introduces key legal theory as applied to Global Data Governance and Technology.

International Energy Law

International Energy Transition Law and Regulation 

The aim of this module is to provide students with an understanding of the international legal framework governing natural resources and how climate change concerns have translated into policy, law and regulation for the transition to renewable energy sources to meet carbon neutral/net zero emissions targets.

International Energy Investment Law

This module aims to introduce students to the relationship between international energy investment law and sunset to sunrise renewable energy projects, particularly solar and wind. It examines the challenges to renewable energy projects and discusses how regulatory solutions are deployed as a response to challenges at national, regional and international level.

International Environmental and Climate Change Law

The aim of this module is to introduce students to the evolution of international law for environmental protection and its application to the global energy and extractive industries. The former, global energy aspects will include environmental law issues arising from traditional hydrocarbon energy sources, to renewables such as wind, solar, hydropower & geothermal industries; whereas the latter, extractive industries includes traditional mining activities, as well as minerals such as lithium & copper that are significant for the clean energy technologies, such as electric cars.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Develop detailed and in-depth knowledge of the concept of CSR, including its history, relevant theories, and limitations to legal policy and business practices in national, international, multi-sector and multi-disciplinary settings.

International Dispute Resolution

To allow students to understand the technical legal, procedural, political and commercial aspects of international dispute resolution. The module will equip students with a fundamental knowledge regarding litigation, arbitration and mediation - in the commercial environment from the perspective of the courts of England and Wales..

Technology Law

Regulation of Emerging Technologies, Cryptoassets and Blockchain

The module will enable the development of in depth knowledge and critical insights to support the development of a sophisticated and critical understanding of the main regulatory approaches, theories and controversies regarding blockchain and cryptoassets technologies.

Artificial Intelligence: Legal Aspects

This module will consider the potential of artificial intelligence alongside its risks, using a thematic approach.  It will enable the development of high-level knowledge and critical insights to support the development of a sophisticated and critical understanding of  the theories, ethics and principles that underlie artificial intelligence usage in different contexts, and the main regulatory approaches, theories and controversies regarding artificial intelligence.

Fundamentals of Intellectual Property

This module aims to introduce students to a critical and detailed understanding of intellectual property rights within UK regulatory framework whilst introducing some elements of comparative law by looking also at EU IP law. It aims to provide an overview of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) looking at the fundamentals of copyright, patents, designs and trade marks.  The modules seeks to contextualise IPRs in terms of their economic and commercial utility whilst examining some of the issues that are posed on the path to commercialisation.

Global Innovation and Intellectual Property

This module critically develops the key issues underpinning innovation and the discipline of patent law, including their application in UK and internationally, often in a public health and sustainable development context.

Contemporary Issues in Technology and IP Law

This module aims to develop students’ understanding of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) with a focus on technology and how IPRs interact with some of the key technological themes of modern times.  It aims to develop an awareness of some of the issues which IPRs face but also issues which they can solve.  The modules seeks to ask students to consider whether IPRs are always suitable or whether there are better options and why this might be the case.

Global Data Governance, Technology and Corporate Responsibility

The module introduces key legal theory as applied to Global Data Governance and Technology.

International Competition Law

This module aims to provide students with a critical understanding of the role and significance of competition law and its contribution to building a sustainable global economy.  It is about the legal regulation of market power to protect the interests of consumers in the context of increasing global trade and integration.  It examines laws regulating the behaviour of businesses aimed at protecting competition in markets and the effective enforcement of those laws.

Corporate Law

Corporate Governance

Large companies wield great power and can impact on lives in many ways.  Some will have power and reach equivalent to that a nation state.  The aim of this module is to consider how risks arising from corporate power can be addressed without stifling innovation.  We will look at how different types of shareholder can influence the way in which firms are run.  As well as this internal perspective we will consider the company’s external impact and how this shapes its obligations.  We will look primarily at the position in the UK with some comparative insights.

Business Organisations

This module examines the key business models available to small and medium sized businesses in the UK and compares their various legal features in order to develop legal expertise in setting up, running and winding up a business, and the ability to evaluate the relative merits of the different models for different businesses.

Corporate Insolvency Law

This module aims to provide a supportive and structured learning environment in which to develop a high level of knowledge and critical insight of the structure and objectives of corporate insolvency law in England and Wales. As a key element of this analysis the module seeks to foster an evaluative appreciation of the key themes arising in the context of the regulation of insolvent companies. The module further seeks to develop in the student a high level of understanding of the role of traditional liquidation against the background of the modern preference for business rescue.

Fundamentals of Intellectual Property

This module aims to introduce students to a critical and detailed understanding of intellectual property rights within UK regulatory framework whilst introducing some elements of comparative law by looking also at EU IP law. It aims to provide an overview of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) looking at the fundamentals of copyright, patents, designs and trade marks.  The modules seeks to contextualise IPRs in terms of their economic and commercial utility whilst examining some of the issues that are posed on the path to commercialisation.

Global Data Governance, Technology and Corporate Responsibility

The module introduces key legal theory as applied to Global Data Governance and Technology.

Contemporary Issues in Technology and IP Law

This module aims to develop students’ understanding of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) with a focus on technology and how IPRs interact with some of the key technological themes of modern times.  It aims to develop an awareness of some of the issues which IPRs face but also issues which they can solve.  The modules seeks to ask students to consider whether IPRs are always suitable or whether there are better options and why this might be the case.

Global Innovation and Intellectual Property

This module critically develops the key issues underpinning innovation and the discipline of patent law, including their application in UK and internationally, often in a public health and sustainable development context.


You will start your dissertation after completing these modules.

The dissertation is an extended piece of academic work, independently researched and written. You will be supported in your work by one-to-one supervision from a tutor expert in the chosen field. Subject to academic suitability and the availability of an appropriately expert tutor, you may select your own area of study for the dissertation phase of the course.

Please note modules run subject to sufficient student numbers.

Further information on what you'll study

Please be aware that all optional/elective modules are subject to availability, and NTU reserves the right to amend, change or withdraw modules at its discretion.

Don’t just take our word for it, hear from our students themselves

Student Profiles

Oluwaseun Oyebimpe Oyekan

I got to appreciate the course better when I studied some areas of law and came to the realisation that law is so much more. It is a lifestyle because it intersects with all areas of human endeavours.

How you’re taught

On completion of the taught modules you will begin work on your dissertation. The dissertation is an extended piece of academic work, independently researched and written. You will be supported in your work by one-to-one supervision from a tutor expert in the chosen field. Subject to academic suitability and the availability of an appropriately expert tutor, you may select your own area of study for the dissertation phase of the course.

Research informed teaching

By daring to think differently our research is tackling real-world issues. The subjects you will study with us are informed by our research so you can be sure your knowledge will be cutting-edge in your field. In the last Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021) - the UK's system for assessing the quality and impact of research in universities - we’re proud that 100% of NTU's Law submission was assessed to be world-leading or internationally excellent.

Staff Profiles

Alexandra Kastrinou - Head of Department

Nottingham Law School

Alexandra Kastrinou is the Head of Department for the Postgraduate Portfolio at Nottingham Law School, NTU, encompassing the Legal Practice Course, the Barristers Training Course, the Postgraduate Diploma in Law

Careers and employability

Your future career

Career development is an integral part of the programme and our careers team run a series of workshops where you can identify methods and strategies to enable you to pursue your career goals.

Due to the School's excellent reputation within the legal profession, our graduates are highly sought-after and recognised for the depth and relevance of their knowledge.

Continuing professional development (CPD)

Practitioners can study individual modules from the LLM programme for CPD awards.

Nottingham Law School offers a suite of practice-based practitioner programmes specifically designed to meet the personal development needs of legal practitioners. We offer courses that qualify for CPD with the Solicitors Regulation Authority, in-house training and bespoke programmes. These courses are highly flexible and can be delivered throughout the year both nationally and internationally.

While this course does not currently offer placements we do encourage our students to pursue placement opportunities.

Find out about the opportunities available through our pro bono and University volunteering schemes.

Learn a new language

Alongside your study you also have the opportunity to learn a new language. The University Language Programme (ULP) is available to all students and gives you the option of learning a totally new language or improving the skills you already have.

Learning a new language can:

  • enhance your communication skills
  • enrich your experience when travelling abroad
  • boost your career prospects.

Find out more about the University Language Programme.

Re:search Re:imagined

To us, research is about more than writing papers and proposing new ideas. By daring to think differently, we’re disrupting the research landscape and finding the answers to the questions that really matter. From social media addiction to sustainable farming, we’re inspiring the brightest minds to rise up and find solutions to some of the most significant global challenges facing society.

Campus and facilities

Entry requirements

What are we looking for?

  • A good law degree, 2.2 or above.
  • Applicants whose first degree is not Law will be required to provide evidence of commitment to the LLM subject that they wish to study.
  • Applicants from other disciplines will be welcomed in appropriate circumstances, particularly if they have experience in the area, even if not as lawyers.

We specify these minimum entry requirements, but we will assess you individually on your ability to benefit from the course. We sometimes offer places on the basis of non-standard entry qualifications, and industrial or professional experience.

Recognition of Prior Learning

NTU may admit a student with advanced standing beyond the beginning of a course, through an assessment of that student's prior learning, whether it is certificated or uncertificated. Our Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policy outlines the process and options available to these prospective students, such as recognising experiential learning or transferring to a similar course at another institution, otherwise known as credit transfer.

All prospective students who wish to apply via Recognition of Prior Learning should initially contact the central Admissions and Enquiries Team who will be able to support you through the process.

Getting in touch

If you need more help or information, get in touch through our enquiry form

International qualifications

We accept qualifications from all over the world – check yours here:

English language entry requirements

You can meet our language requirements by successfully completing our pre-sessional English course for an agreed length of time, or by submitting the required grade in one of our accepted English language tests, such as IELTS:

Recognition of Prior Learning

NTU may admit a student with advanced standing beyond the beginning of a course, through an assessment of that student's prior learning, whether it is certificated or uncertificated. Our Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policy outlines the process and options available to these prospective students, such as recognising experiential learning or transferring to a similar course at another institution, otherwise known as credit transfer.

All prospective students who wish to apply via Recognition of Prior Learning should initially contact the central Admissions and Enquiries Team who will be able to support you through the process.

Foundation courses

If you need to do a foundation course to meet our course requirements please visit Nottingham Trent International College (NTIC). If you’re already studying in the UK at a school or college and would like to know if we can accept your qualification please visit our courses page.

Would you like some advice on your study plans?

Our international teams are highly experienced in answering queries from students all over the world. We also have members of staff based in Vietnam, China, India and Nigeria and work with a worldwide network of education counsellors.

Fees and funding

Home fees for 2024 entry

Study routeHome fees
One year (full-time)£8,600
Two years (part-time)£4,300

Please note that if you are considering a course that runs over more than one year, the tuition fee stated is for the first year of study. The course fee for the second year may be subject to annual review.

Funding your studies

Preparing for the financial side of student life is important, but there’s no need to feel anxious and confused about it. We hope that our fees and funding pages will answer all your questions.

You might be able to get a scholarship to help fund your studies. We award scholarships to those students who can demonstrate excellent achievement, passion and dedication to their studies.

Please take a look at our postgraduates’ guide funding page for information about sourcing grants, bursaries and scholarships, and much more.

Getting in touch

For more advice and guidance, you can contact our Student Financial Support Service.

Tel: +44 (0)115 848 2494

International / EU fees for 2024 entry

Study routeInternational / EU fees
One year (full-time)£17,500
Two years (part-time)£8,750

Please note that if you are considering a course that runs over more than one year, the tuition fee stated is for the first year of study. The course fee for the second year may be subject to annual review.

Funding your studies


We offer scholarships of up to 50% of your tuition fee. You can apply for your scholarship when you have an offer to study at NTU.

Living costs

Get advice on the cost of living as an international student in Nottingham and how to budget:

Paying fees

Find out about advanced payments, instalment plan options and how to make payments securely to the University:

Would you like some advice on your study plans?

Our international teams are highly experienced in answering queries from students all over the world. We also have members of staff based in Vietnam, China, India and Nigeria and work with a worldwide network of education counsellors.

How to apply

Just click the Apply button at the top of the page and follow the instructions for applying. Make sure you check the entry requirements above carefully before you do.

If you are interested in joining us in September 2025, this course will be open for applications through the applicant portal from September 2024.

Writing your application

Be honest, thorough and persuasive in your application. Remember, we can only make a decision based on what you tell us. Make sure you include as much information as possible, including uploading evidence of results already achieved, as well as a personal statement.

Keeping up to date

After you’ve applied, we’ll be sending you important emails throughout the application process - so check your emails regularly, including your junk mail folder.

You can get more information and advice about applying to NTU in our postgraduates’ guide.

Getting in touch

If you need any more help or information, please contact our Admissions Team or call +44 (0)115 848 4200.

Good luck with your application!

Just click the Apply button at the top of the page and follow the instructions for applying. Make sure you check the entry requirements above carefully before you do.

If you are interested in joining us in September 2025, this course will be open for applications through the applicant portal from September 2024.

Application advice

Apply early so that you have enough time to prepare – processing times for Student visas can vary, for example.  After you've applied, we'll be sending you important emails throughout the application process – so check your emails regularly, including your junk mail folder.

Writing your personal statement

Be honest, thorough, and persuasive – we can only make a decision about your application based on what you tell us:

For advice on applying for a visa please visit our visa information page

Postgraduate research

If you’re applying for postgraduate research please visit our Research pages for information about our research areas and how to make your application.

Keeping up to date

After you’ve applied, we’ll be sending you important emails throughout the application process - so check your emails regularly, including your junk mail folder.

Would you like some advice on your study plans?

Our international teams are highly experienced in answering queries from students all over the world. We also have members of staff based in Vietnam, China, India and Nigeria and work with a worldwide network of education counsellors.

The University's commitment to delivering the educational services advertised.