Collaborations and partnerships | Nottingham Trent University
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Collaborations and partnerships

CADQ collaborates with businesses, professional bodies, and education institutions to co-create Higher Education qualifications and supports the delivery of strategic organisational objectives. We work with stakeholders at the Mansfield Higher Education Hub, Nottingham Trent International College, and undertake projects that draw on expertise from across the whole University.

Our values and aims


Our commitment to creativity and working without precedent allows us to bring fresh perspectives to every challenge and turn ideas for partnerships into reality.


We are dedicated to continually improve and refine processes, eliminate inefficiencies and optimise outcomes for both students and staff.

Nurturing success

We cultivate and sustain nurturing, long-term relationships with partners, viewing them as equal co-creators and experts in their respective fields.

Partnership and respect

We value and respect the diversity of thought and expertise that each team member and partner brings to the table.

To develop strategies which support the creation of a diverse HE environment able to meet the unique needs of different learners, support lifelong learning and enhance social mobility.

To work with a wide range of industry and education partners to create high-quality courses that widen access to higher education.

To model excellence in collaborative ways of working and deliver high-impact, collaborative projects internally that add value to all stakeholders.

About Collaborations and Partnerships

We provide a comprehensive range of services, including specialist support throughout partnership and course development, focused on key areas such as graduate outcomes and student experience.

Get in touch with us

If you have any questions about the services that we offer, or want to know how to work in partnership with us, contact CADQ Collaborations and Partnerships by email.