Sport | Nottingham Trent University
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Sport can play a key part in student life and at NTU you’re sure to benefit from a high-quality sports experience.

Pride. Unity. Respect.

Whether you aspire to compete at the next Olympics, want to play sport for fun with some friends, or just want to get active in our facilities – we have something for everyone.


in BUCS League 2023/24


Sports clubs


Sports membership starts from a month

Our culture


[Music playing]

You know what's expected of you. Win, lose or draw you shake hands.

You always support your team mates, give it your everything at all times and welcome all club members equally.

But respect in sport is so much more than that. It's about appreciation of everyone. It's about equality no matter the ability.

The basics: treating others as you wish to be treated.

We show our respect in everything we do. It resonates between our clubs and travels beyond the white lines.

Our shield is a sign of responsibility. It gives us the courage to stand up for what we believe in. On the pitch, on campus and in our everyday lives.

Sport can be an incredible thing. It can inspire, bind people together, but you have to decide what type of club member you are going to be.

So whatever your sport, however well you play it, we need you to show your respect.

[Music ends]

Sport scholarships

Explore our competitive sport scholarships, the range of support available to our elite athletes and how to apply.

Classes and timetables

Book a fitness class today - from Pilates to Circuits to Zumba, we've got classes to suit all abilities.

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